It has been very challenging for us in the beginning. We had met a lot opposition from the participants but after the fist module the situation had tremendously changed and participants had opportunity to learn and change their perspectives and point of
view about new ways and approaches in child welfare.
At the moment, all is left to do is print certificates for every participant of the training.

We are very eager to see in near future how these trained professionals will start to apply new skills and knowledge that they had received in their work settings. It really
inspires us every time to see transformation in thinking of a child welfare worker or a social worker. This where change begins ….
We are very excited to announce that the group of social workers from Sevastopol have successfully completed our training program “Case Worker Core” in Southern Ukraine!
Over 30 social and child welfare workers were able to go through all of the modules in a period of the last 5 months.
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