In January of 2011 we were able to develop a good partnership with an organization, called “True Hope” in Krivoi Rig. This organization works primarily in orphanage institutions and with orphanage graduates. They have developed a team of committed volunteers, who have a heart for orphan kids in their town. Upon the request from the head of “Tue Hope”, ILDC national trainer conducted Life Skills training. It was for the team of volunteers, who minister to the orphanage graduates, with a goal in mind to help teens to settle in their lives after they graduate from the orphanage. In most cases and for most of the time the kids in the orphanage are told what to do and everything is scheduled for them until they graduate. When they leave the orphanage, they face lots of challenges and they are not prepared to face them!
That is why Life Skills program is so needed for them. With the help of a mentor, they receive a training how to do ordinary things like cooking a meal, buying groceries, paying the bills, doing a budget, etc.
This training was a great success! The participants went through 10 modules in 4 days and at the end of the training everyone received a certificate.The volunteers were so thankful for this opportunity! At this time, a new group of volunteers from one church is getting ready for this training as well.
Another Life Skills training will be conducted in Ternopol Region in Western Ukraine in the near future.
Look out for the posts, where we will share with you how the training goes!
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