Two of our trainers recently have returned from Sevastopol, one of the regions of Ukraine. They have conducted 4 days of Case Worker Core training (Module 1 and 2) for social workers. We met with them in our office in order to review how the training went. They have told us that in the beginning of the training our trainers faced resistance and negative attitude from the participants. Participants were convinced that family focused approach does not work in Ukraine. They insisted that the best way to help the child is to take the child away from any struggling families and place the child to the orphanage. There was a belief that there is a need to punish the family and nothing can be done to help them.Over the course of training, trainers have witnessed the change in participants thinking. Participants admitted that they would like to apply skills they received at the training at their work settings and at the end of the training they asked our trainers to come back again and train them on the other Modules from this program.
The following is the quote from the participant who was the most resistant at first, but by the end of the second day of the training, even he admitted:
“It is good for a child to have warm clothes, TV and good meal but what about nurturing, caring and warm family relationship?!”
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