
“Wounded Children Healing Homes” reaching into the hands of adoptive and foster parents.

Since the book was printed last fall and the first workshop was held in Kiev, over 200 books have already came into the hands of adoptive and foster families around Ukraine. On January 29th ILDC conducted first training on the topic of the book in Chernigov region by its national trainer. There were 14 people that had attended this training. These were adoptive and foster parents who took children from the orphanages into their families and had already experienced by themselves what traumatized children are going through and how it effects their lives. Parents were very excited and inspired by this training. Every participant had received a copy of the book at end of the training as a gift but also as a tool that they can use and practice in their hard work with children. ILDC trainer also had chance to connect with the local children service and representatives from local education department. They really liked the workshop and expressed a desire to organize similar training next time for school teachers who work with orphans in local schools. The head of education department made the decision to hold a similar training this coming summer. We are really excited and happy to hear about such a positive feedback from our trainer and look forward to more workshops on this topic around Ukraine. We hope that this project where adoptive and foster parents go through the workshop and receive a copy of a book  will enhance their understanding of traumatic stress and give them the capacity to help their children in their healing process, overcoming the trauma form the past.